The Importance of 208 Volt-3 Phase Power
For industrial plants, electrical service is often provided at 208 volts. That voltage can be supplied as a single phase or three-phase power. Each of these options has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand how they work and what factors should be considered when choosing the right one for your needs. The primary benefit of 208 volt vs 220 volt is the lesser current (amperage). At 208 volts, the load on an individual circuit or device will be less stressful and therefore have a longer life expectancy. Also, 208 volt service may qualify for incentives in some locations where utilities are encouraging customers to adopt more energy-efficient services; generally speaking, lighting loads at 208 volts use less energy than the same loads at 220 volts.
What is 208-volt single-phase power?
208-volt single-phase power is used in many industrial and commercial applications. It’s most commonly used to …
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