There is an official definition offered by the Planet Tourism Organization. Statistics produced obtainable from the Directorate of Tourism in the country, shows that, although in 1990 foreign exchange from tourism amounted to only 65 million US$ it has shot up to US$ 739 million within a space of ten years up to 2000, pretty much 1 hundred % increase.
A measure of the financial significance of tourism to the countries concerned is that receipts exceeded expenditure by a aspect of two or a lot more in Greece (4.5), Spain (three.two), Malta (two.eight), Portugal (2.six) and Cyprus (2.5) (European Communities 2007).
The WTTC lately commissioned a study to, however again, prove to policy makers that tourism is a actually significant deal (see their press release right here: Travel and tourism bigger industry than automotive manufacturing ) and on far more on the web page right here ).
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Hospitality Management is small business-oriented and takes on a distinctive focus when compared with a tourism program, which in most cases offer a balanced view of how tourism as an industry relates with hosts and host communities, as properly as tourists.