Internet Marketing – Finding Balance Between the Old and the New

Ever since Henry Ford invented the assembly line, there has been a battle between those who embrace innovation and those who prefer the status quo – sometimes referred to as the good old-fashioned way of doing things.

I contend that the best of both worlds lies somewhere in the middle of the two and embraces technology and automation without forgetting that behind every machine is a warm-blooded operator and an end user with a beating heart.

Using technological tools to enhance connection and communication with other people is a great application.  Using them to replace human interaction – not so good.

Let me give you a couple of examples:

Email Marketing

Good: Sending a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly newsletter packed with useful information and a small amount of promotional stuff.

Not so good: Sending lots of “buy this from me” promotional messages with no attempt to provide information …

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Information On Mobile Applications Like Blackberry

The technology world is booming. There are so many different types of Mobile applications that have come to surface lately. Once can literally check out hundreds to thousands a day and still not have looked through everything. This is a constant development, as vendors want to have many varieties and choices so one can purchase at any given time. A Developer can have a field day with Mobiles Development for the Blackberry Applications. Much to the Developer’s delight with the ease of implementation, these new mobile apps. Are commanding and well planned out.

This growing trend of applications has been a hit for many PDA’s. The tremendous amount of functionality has been a show stopper for many years now. Most folks prefer the Blackberry and it’s reliability. One sees it just about everywhere, from nurses to business men and women. It’s functions are suited for everyday life and …

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