The Opium Marketing Strategy – How to Quickly Double the Number of Your Customers

Opium is addictive and so is Opium marketing. A simple study of human nature will reveal among some others, two very influential emotions; greed and fear. Opium marketing has something to do with the first. How does Opium and other drugs sellers get to make so much from the illegal sale of these drugs? Simple. They give away the opium and people get hooked. The addicted individual then begins to buy from them because, yes, he cannot do otherwise, he is hooked to it.
If you have a great product/service that probably is not going well enough as it should Opium marketing is an option to consider. I once saw an average caterer use it with staggering positive effects. She opened this new, cozy eatery and catering outfit near the University I was attending. One day we got flyers inviting everybody to free meals between the hour of 10 am …
The Opium Marketing Strategy – How to Quickly Double the Number of Your Customers Read More