5 Tips on How to Connect With People You Don’t Know

This morning I met “@Coach_Colette” from New York City in person in Brussels while she was giving a talk for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s project Global Library grantees.
I met Colette on Twitter through Leo “@srleosalazar” I also met Leo on Twitter and after a couple of Tweets, Leo offered me a fantastic virtual experience: A “live” Twitter interview.
I have not met Leo directly, but we use Skype and I can hear his voice and see Leo has an extraordinary presence when asking questions. We may or may not be business partners, but that doesn’t matter. What’s really interesting and amazing is how Twitter helps make “statistically impossible connections” with people you don’t know. I have several virtual Twitter friends that I meet directly and several others I follow on Facebook or Linkedin.
Building a strong network of friends, relatives, or colleagues is one of the most …
5 Tips on How to Connect With People You Don’t Know Read More