There have been many tips that provide information about how to build a startup with the Digital Agency Gold Coast, a powerful tip to find reasonable and other startup ideas. This time I want to share how to implement the right marketing strategy when the product has been made and ready to be thrown to the public.

1. Remarketing
The Digital Marketing Agency site myrobotmonkey describes the correct definition of remarketing which is an advanced feature on Google AdWords especially for the Google Display Network. When used properly this feature is very powerful for increasing sales conversions. Because this remarketing feature will display Google AdWords ads on those who have visited the site. Remarketing is the most basic way that must be done to increase awareness, traffic and ultimately sales.
One way that can also be used for marketing strategies is to install Facebook custom audience pixels. This is important so that you can target consumers who already know your product through advertisements on Facebook. The method is fairly easy, you can simply upload a list of emails and cell phone numbers of at least 20 people, then automatically the custom audience will send the ad. You can also reach more consumers by utilizing the number of visitors who see sites and mobile applications.
2. Email and marketing content
Content marketing is now one of the easy steps that has proven to reach more consumers, so make sure when the product is ready to be launched, create massive and educational marketing content. Determine what marketing content is right for your product and who the market wants to target.
No less important is the choice or opt-in option or the option to opt-out must always be on the site or the marketing content and e-mails are spread. Do not let consumers feel disturbed and ultimately become antipathy with your product because of the incomplete two choices. Make a strategy that is right and smart when launching the movement of acquiring customers through email and marketing content.
3. Offline activities (community)
Currently there are many communities that you can specifically aim at according to the products offered, so try to hold or participate in a variety of offline activities. Most potential customers, partner investors to employees like to gather or spend ‘quality time’ in various activities.
Make sure your brand has appeared in these activities, from the 10 new customers that you managed to get at least is a positive step that you can achieve besides relying on testimonials or comments on the site.
4. Online competition
Organizing competitions or contests through social media is also one of the marketing strategies that you can do regularly. By doing this activity, you can acquire more customers, increase your brand awareness and of course can promote products by giving giveaway or gifts in the form of products you sell. It is highly recommended for all startups to hold this activity regularly, which is proven to be successful and able to increase the number of consumers more.
5. Human touch
The thing to remember is to always bring customer service using more human touch, meaning that it is legitimate if the system or some features rely entirely on technology, but for certain processes make sure you place a special team of men and women who are quite dexterous and helpful and of course reach your consumers. Human touch will always be needed at startup now and in the future.