Welcome to Your New Best Friend: The Phone Finger
We have computers, cars, televisions, the Internet, smartphones, devices that speak back to us. So, what else could we use? Haven’t we created everything necessary in society? We’ve pushed technology to its edge, right? Think again, we haven’t created the phone finger or have we?
Recently, there has been an inventor who has created an item that could perhaps become your next best friend. Wouldn’t it be helpful and handy to have a device that could do stuff for you with its own finger? Like pulling itself towards you. Or what about giving you a little tickle to brighten your day. Well, that is exactly what a phone finger can do for you. Some of you may be creeped out by a phone finger. That’s understandable. Isn’t it enough that we have devices that talk to us and cars that drive themselves? Some may think that, but technology has …