What You Need To Know About Captive Insurance

What You Need To Know About Captive Insurance

Captive insurance is the practice of a parent group, or groups, creating a private insurance company to cover the needs for itself and its subsidiaries. This type of insurance can offer many benefits and risks to the companies involved, so talking to a consultant to go over the specifics for your group can give you the best picture of your individual case. Many consultant companies in the captive insurance industry can also help you with the paperwork involved in creating and managing the captive as well as offer other benefits.

What You Need To Know About Captive Insurance


One of the benefits you can get from captive insurance is that any dividends from a claim-free year can be put back into the group in the form of returns after retirement or dividends on a yearly basis. Other benefits include lower fees and coverage that better fits your needs. You can go over whether these benefits will work …

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Are You Dogfooding Your Own Marketing?

Dogfooding, or, “eating your own dog food” is typically what happens when a company uses the products that it makes. Dogfooding in the context of marketing and communications, especially insofar as social media is concerned, is when an organization takes the time to leverage new age marketing technology to develop community, drive awareness and enhance the culture of its own organization before, as I always say to my audiences, “inflicting new media on their customers”.

So what, you say? Well, you may already know that digital and emerging media is outsourced far less than any other type of marketing activity. The reason is that any social media effort needs to be piloted by a true steward of the brand. The steward is someone who gets the convergence of the personal nature of social media and the cultural imperative for organizations who decide to truly engage with their stakeholders. …

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What You Need to Know About Cash Advances

Have you ever been to a vendor that requires you to pay in cash, when all you have is a credit card? If you make a lot of purchases with your credit card, then you probably run into this scenario all of the time. Fortunately, there are alternative funding options for those who use credit cards. This alternative option is a cash advance.

What Is a Cash Advance?

Cash advances are simply short-term loans that you receive from your credit card company. You can use your credit card to withdraw money for purchases at an ATM. A cash advance Bordentown NJ banks provide offer you flexibility when it comes to your purchase. If you are someone who uses credit cards more often than cash, then you might find yourself in a dilemma if you frequent a store that requires cash.

What Are the Benefits of a Cash Advance?

There are …

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Read The Risks Involved While Driving A Car Which Has An Expired Policy Or Is Uninsured

As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, it is mandatory for all motor vehicles plying on public roads in India to have a motor insurance cover. Still, the research suggests that as many as 60% of the vehicles on the roads do not have a valid insurance cover. Driving without an insurance policy can lead to many unfortunate consequences, including the ones listed below.

Read The Risks Involved While Driving A Car Which Has An Expired Policy Or Is Uninsured

Penalties and legal fines

As per the latest regulations, heavy fines have been proposed for driver caught without valid insurance under Schedule III of section 305 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 2016. These are:

Two-wheelers: Rs 10,000

Light motor vehicle and three wheelers: Rs 25,000

Other categories of motor vehicles (including cars): Rs 75,000

Other legal complications

Getting caught without a valid motor insurance policy on multiple occasions can lead to your driving lisence being suspended. The authorities could also suspend your vehicle registration. The enforcement …

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How the Find the Perfect Mortgage Lender For You

How the Find the Perfect Mortgage Lender For You

If you are thinking about purchasing a home, one of the first steps is to get approved for a mortgage. There is a process that you should be taking here though as well. Not only do you want a good interest rate, you also want to work with a professional that is trustworthy and that can guide you through the entire process. Keep reading as we talk about how to find the perfect mortgage lender for you.

The first step is to have your credit score as high as possible before even seeing the mortgage or lender or speaking with them. This will allow you to bargain more with them because you have more power. This will also allow you to get a better rate as well as look like a more trustworthy adult that will pay them back in the future.

The next tip is to do your homework …

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