What is Going to Happen to the Price of Silver in 2018 ?


The price of silver is always changing, which is why it’s such a popular investment. Some years it enjoys a rise in price, while other see it falling. In 2017, the price hovered between the $15 and $18 mark for an ounce. This wasn’t a surprise for many experts, but it was hoped the increase would have been bigger.

Does that mean the price is set for a rise in 2018? It certainly looked that way at the beginning of the year when the highest price was $17.37. At the time of writing, it had dropped slightly by a little less than a dollar. Certain factors are going to affect the performance of silver over the next few months. Let’s look at what these are before sharing some expert opinions.

Three Factors That Could Affect Silver Prices in 2018

Geopolitical issues – these affect the price of precious metals …

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The Important Features of Your Trading Platform

Understanding your trading platform is very crucial to your success. The novice traders don’t spend enough time to learn the proper way of currency trading. They start trading the market based on their gut feelings. Such aggressive actions from the new traders might help them to secure some big winners but consider the long-term fact it’s just a waste of time and money. You have to understand the importance of the manual trading system. In the eyes of the expert Singaporean traders, emotional trades are nothing but the key ingredients to ruin your trading career. So it’s your call whether you will invest your money in emotions or start trading the live market by using rational logic. Every successful trader knows the use of advanced features of their trading platform. They never place any trade without assessing the risk factors. Now we are going to discuss the most used tools …

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Avoid These 4 Things To Succeed In Trading

Currently, trading has become something reasonable, but still a small number of investors who really master the trading itself. In early trading, beginner traders often experience obstacles and blame it on market fluctuations. The real reason forex traders to lose is their approach to trading itself. Here are 4 things to avoid in order to succeed in trading. For more information, please visit trading tools

1. Overtrading

Overtrading is the main reason most traders struggle to gain momentum in the forex market. Overtrading occurs when trading with lots is too large or too frequent. As a result, traders experience a lack of capital, targets become unrealistic, and even trading saturation (trading fatigue). The solution is to train our approach to using only objective logic and methods. Plan your trading and take your position appropriately.

2. Not adjust to market conditions

In forex trading, we have to adapt to market conditions …

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