How to Open a Branch in Italy: Here are The Necessary Requirements

Here are all the instructions to understand how to open a business in Italy. Let’s see all the steps to follow and the necessary fulfillments.
Many wonder what are the main steps to follow to open a business in Italy. Often there is confusion about what are the various steps necessary for setting up a business.
This is a procedure that involves a series of administrative obligations, starting from the opening of the VAT number, up to the registration of your company in the Register of Companies kept by the competent Chamber of Commerce territorially.
To try to clarify what is the procedure to follow, we see below step by step how to open a branch in Italy and which are the bodies to contact.
How to start a business in Italy? Open a VAT number
All those who intend to start a business must first open a VAT number.…
How to Open a Branch in Italy: Here are The Necessary Requirements Read More